At Smartarchives, we understand the unique archive management challenges facing lawyers and their practices.
Our solutions are designed to meet the specific needs of your profession, ensuring efficient management, optimum security and rigorous compliance.
Specific needs of law firms
- Management by case and client: Lawyers need to organize their archives so that they are easily accessible and appropriately classified. Indexing should reflect the structure of cases and clients.
- Structured filing: A clear indexing system is essential for efficient management of legal documents.
- Compliance with Legal Obligations: Law firms must comply with regulatory requirements concerning the retention and destruction of documents, including the law of July 15, 2008.
- Protection of sensitive data: legal documents contain confidential information requiring enhanced protection against unauthorized access.
- Secure destruction: It’s crucial to ensure that document destruction is confidential and traceable.
- Fast delivery: Lawyers often need fast access to their archives, whether for meetings, pleadings or consultations.
Our Customized Solutions
for Lawyers
Integrated Archive Management
We ensure the complete management of archive units, using specific indexing based on the classification principles associated with the legal profession, in particular :
We ensure the complete management of archive units, using specific indexing based on the classification principles associated with the legal profession, in particular :
- By case: organize documents according to specific legal cases.
- By customer: Customer-based classification for more targeted management.
Our system allows several indexing classes to be used for optimal archive organization.
Fast, flexible delivery
We guarantee re-delivery of your archives within 24 hours, with the option of :
- At the office: For seamless document management during office hours.
- At the Palais de Justice: For fast access to court hearings and legal proceedings.
Destruction Confidential
We carry out confidential destruction processes in compliance with the law of July 15, 2008, guaranteeing the security and traceability of the destruction of your sensitive documents.
We provide a certificate and/or weighing slip attesting to the destruction of the archives, to ensure compliance and peace of mind.
Reduced rates for lawyers
We offer degressive rates specially designed for lawyers, taking into account costs linked to retrieval frequencies and the volume generated by the activity.
to find out more
To find out how Smartarchives can optimize your archive management and meet the specific needs of your law firm, contact us today. We’re ready to provide you with solutions tailored to your needs.