legally compliant
Archive management, whether physical or digital, must meet the strict requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). At Smartarchives, we help you assess and strengthen the compliance of your archival practices to ensure the protection of the personal data you process and store.
Why carry out an RGPD Compliance Audit for your Archives?
An RGPD compliance audit is essential for all organizations that keep archives containing personal data. This audit makes it possible to:
Ensure that your archive management processes comply with the obligations imposed by the RGPD, reducing the risk of sanctions.
Identify and correct vulnerabilities in the storage and processing of archives containing personal information.
Optimize archive management practices to ensure they are both efficient and compliant with data protection standards.
Our Approach to
RGPD Compliance Audit for Archives
At Smartarchives, we adopt a precise and specialized methodology to audit your archival management processes in compliance with the RGPD :
Initial Assessment and Archives Mapping
We implement rigorous authentication and access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorized persons can access your data.
We carry out a complete inventory of archives containing personal data, identifying their type, content and storage method.
We map the flow of personal data within your archives, including its collection, use, storage and eventual destruction.
Risk Analysis for Archives
We assess the potential risks associated with storing your archives, particularly in terms of physical and digital security.
For archives presenting a high risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals, we carry out an AIPD to assess the impact on privacy and propose corrective actions.
Archiving Process Compliance
We help you review your archive management policies, to ensure they are aligned with RGPD requirements.
We implement rigorous control procedures to manage access, retention and destruction of archives containing personal data.
Archives-specific training and awareness-raising
We organize specialized training courses to raise your archival teams’ awareness of best practices for managing personal data in compliance with the RGPD.
We help you develop and maintain comprehensive documentation to demonstrate compliance with your archival practices.
Ongoing monitoring and control audits
We carry out regular audits to ensure that your archive management practices remain compliant with RGPD developments.
Smartarchives remains at your disposal to support you in the ongoing adaptation of your archiving processes to regulatory requirements.
with Smartarchives
Protecting personal data within your archives is a major responsibility. Contact Smartarchives today to schedule an RGPD compliance audit and guarantee the security and legality of your archival practices.