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Condominium offer

Offer Syndicat
de Copropriétés

At Smartarchives, we understand the unique challenges faced by condominium corporations when it comes to archive management.

We have developed solutions specifically designed to meet the unique needs of condominium corporations, ensuring optimal management, enhanced security and rigorous compliance.

Specific needs of condominium associations

  • Preservation of deeds and registers: Syndicates are required to keep various documents such as deeds of ownership, co-ownership by-laws, general meetings and minutes, often for long periods of time.
  • Accessibility and organization: Fast access to important documents and efficient organization are essential for smooth condominium management.
  • Compliance with Standards: Unions must comply with strict regulatory requirements for document retention, including RGPD obligations.
  • Audit management: The ability to quickly provide documents required for audits or inspections is crucial to avoid legal complications.
  • Protecting sensitive data: Syndicate documents often contain sensitive information on co-owners and finances, requiring extra protection.
  • Preventing unauthorized access: It is imperative to ensure that only authorized individuals can access confidential information.
  • Space optimization: Condominium associations have to manage a large volume of physical documents, which can require considerable storage space.
  • Digitization of archives: The transition to digital formats to facilitate access to and management of archives is becoming increasingly necessary.

Our solutions for condominium associations

Personalized archive management

Benefit from a dedicated contact for your archive management, ensuring clear and effective communication.

Once a quarter, an archivist is on hand to help you reference and manage your archives.

We offer digitization of general meeting minutes for simplified digital management.

Advanced Compliance and Security

We ensure the anonymization of your archive indexing, with full traceability guaranteed.

Our storage spaces are under 24-hour video surveillance to guarantee maximum confidentiality.

We carry out the confidential destruction of your documents, issuing a certificate in compliance with the law of July 15, 2008.

Efficient and flexible services

We guarantee re-delivery of your archives within 24 hours for optimum responsiveness.

Tariffs specially designed for condominium associations, taking into account costs linked to extraction frequency and volume generated.

We offer flat-rate management per property, simplifying your archive management budget.

Why choose Smartarchives for


With an in-depth understanding of the specific needs of condominium corporations, we offer tailor-made solutions to meet your unique challenges.


Take advantage of the latest innovations in archive management and digitization for more efficient and secure management.


Our dedicated team is ready to support you every step of the way, from initial archive management to digitization and storage.

to find out more

To find out how Smartarchives can help your condominium association optimize archive management and ensure regulatory compliance, contact us today. We’re here to provide you with customized solutions tailored to your specific needs.